Fall Tournament Teams


East Side sponsors programs hosted in Macomb County that are dedicated to sportsmanship, player development and offering opportunities for our young players to compete.

Check out the following team websites for local playing opportunities in Macomb County:

Motor City Knights (Boys Youth) – www.motorcityknights.com

Motor City Machine (Girls Youth & HS) – www.machinelax.com


Find out more and spread the word about upcoming training and playing opportunities as well as local lacrosse news!

East Side Lacrosse Partners

Have a question? Email us at info@eastsidelacrosse.com

East Side sponsors programs hosted in Macomb County that are dedicated to sportsmanship and player development through multi-season programming and competition.


 Check out the following team websites for local playing opportunities:


 Motor City Knights (Boys Youth) - www.motorcityknights.com


 Michigan Machine (Girls Youth) - Motor City Machine Lax



If you are a brand new player to lacrosse, please sign-up for the next  Intro to Lacrosse Clinic!